505, 2023

What would my 10 years old self tell me about my life?

By |May 5, 2023|Categories: Cultural Diversity|

Few weeks back I have seen (again) after many years Disney’s The Kid. Not sure why, but this is a movie that stirs various emotions in me every time I see it. Each time a different one! This time, as I am going through significant transformations myself, [...]

505, 2023

Quest for success – are we focusing on the wrong things?

By |May 5, 2023|Categories: Cultural Diversity|

Few years back, while working in a multinational company I had my first encounter with coaching. I have attended a two days coaching course designed for managers to be able to support and develop their teams. Corporate stuff! At the end of the training I ended up [...]

505, 2023

Dare to be true to yourself….the transformational power of an inspiring goal

By |May 5, 2023|Categories: Cultural Diversity|

A while ago, when I have started considering coaching seriously as a way of personal development my coach asked me a simple question: what is your goal? What do you want to take out of this coaching session? This question as simple as it is, stunned me. [...]

1204, 2023

Demystifying Coaching – What coaching is and is not…

By |April 12, 2023|Categories: Cultural Diversity|

I have recently run a mini research among professionals in MedTech industry to understand how they perceive coaching. Majority of the people I approached were enthusiastic and agreed being interviewed on this topic. Although some of them had reservations admitting their experience with coaching is limited, and [...]

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